These individuals provide training to all new Ambassadors as to their responsibilities.
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

2012 and the Emergence of Divine Light
Kiara Windrider
February 21, 2012
What on Earth is going on? Amidst ecological ruin, financial collapse, political breakdowns, and social upheavals around the world, can we look for clear signs of optimism and hope?
It seems clear to me that if something does not radically change on our planet soon, we are doomed to go the way of the dinosaurs. Whether we go out with a big bang in some sort of cataclysmic event, or go out with a whimper slowly suffocating in our own wastes, may not make much of a difference.
Meanwhile, the Mayan calendar, which according to most scholars ends on December 21, 2012, continues to evoke all kinds of speculations. We are not so far away from this date. Will it come and go with no more impact than one day passing into another? Will the world suddenly end with a bang in one of several doomsday scenarios? Or could this date represent a birth passage, an initiation into a deeper planetary consciousness that could transform our perception of reality as we know it?
If so, then when and how does all this happen?
Amidst all the mysteries and controversies surrounding the Mayan calendar, we do know that it was a predictive calendar going back thousands of years, and that ancient timekeepers had set it up to measure galactic rather than solar cycles.
What is this galactic cycle being measured? Astrophysicist Paul LaViolette coined the phrase ‘galactic superwave’ to represent a pulse of high frequency cosmic and gamma ray particles emanating from the center of our galaxy. This pulse is like a galactic heartbeat, moving out in concentric waves travelling close to the speed of light, one major pulse every 10-15 thousand years, each one lasting for several hundreds of years.
While he does not explicitly equate this pulse with the Mayan calendar, I have come to believe that the end date of the Mayan calendar could well be referring to the next peak of this galactic superwave moving through our solar system.
Based on geological and mythological records pertaining to earlier cycles of this galactic superwave, we can predict that the next passage of this wave could have a very significant impact on our consciousness as well as on the physical body of our planet.
The last impact of this wave was approximately 12 or 13 thousand years ago, initiating a chain of circumstances that on a physical level precipitated enormous earth changes and eventually the sinking of an entire continent known in our mythologies as Atlantis.
This is certainly a scenario that could be repeated this time around. However, I do believe that we have collectively achieved a state of consciousness where another scenario becomes possible.
Sri Aurobindo, a highly evolved mystic and Indian freedom fighter, envisioned more than a hundred years ago the total metamorphosis of the human species in the very near future, preceded by the signs of apparent chaos that we are seeing all around us.
He referred to the descent of a ‘supramental light’ that would infiltrate our bodies and all systems on our planet, creating an entirely new species of humanity, and transforming the Earth.
The cycle of the ‘yugas’ expounded by the great Indian yogi, Sri Yukteswar, may also have to do with this periodic pulse of the galactic superwave. We are currently at the end of a Kali Yuga, awaiting the next passage of the galactic superwave to propel us into an imminent Age of Light.
What are the mechanics of this transformation? Geological records indicate that the most recent passage of the galactic superwave was associated with a collapsing of the Earth’s magnetic field, and perhaps even a polar reversal. In our own time, scientists report that the Earth’s magnetic field has experienced a sharp decline within the past 150 years, and continues to decrease exponentially.
How is this relevant to us? Our thoughts, feelings, memories, and identities are held within an electromagnetic field surrounding our physical bodies that we refer to as the ‘aura’. Our personal auras are directly linked with the electromagnetic fields of the Earth.
As the Earth’s magnetic field continues to collapse further, it could create a profound shift within our consciousness. Most of us experience ourselves as a fixed identity based in the past, separate from the rest of the universe. This is the fundamental cause of our dualistic perception of reality, the roots of aggression, greed, violence and fear. This could be soon be changing.
Along with the collapse of Earth’s magnetic fields, scientists are also predicting a quantum shift in the base harmonic frequency of matter as a result of this incoming superwave. All matter within our solar system is preparing for a frequency shift. As our bodies start vibrating to this higher frequency, new programs within our DNA could be activated, allowing us to resonantly anchor the frequencies of our soul.
The confluence of these two phenomena indicates that we are in the process of dissolving a personal identity based in separation and duality, while at the same time downloading the highly potent frequencies of our Higher Dimensional Self into our physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Sri Aurobindo saw that we would soon be living in bodies of ‘true matter’, collectively transmuting as a species from the ‘human human’ into the ‘divine human’, capable of experiencing the full potential of our divine self here on Earth!
Is it possible that the end date of the Mayan calendar represents the first large-scale impact of the galactic superwave into our solar system, activating a sudden and profound collective shift unlike anything we have seen before?
Many of us are already beginning to experience this shift. Our bodies are changing. We are going through extreme emotional roller coasters as subconscious fears come up for release. Our safe and familiar world is falling apart. We are literally losing our minds. Our linear flow of time is giving way to a multi-dimensional reality where the laws of nature no longer work the same way, where perceived limitations of time, space, matter and consciousness are dissolving. We are exploring the edges of what we once thought impossible.
The economic, political and social chaos we are currently experiencing in the outer world is also part of the process. Systems based in the old paradigm of greed and dominance are falling away, while new systems and understandings of the universe are evolving which resonate with the new energies coming in.
New technologies are being discovered to replace our dependence on power companies and oil. New systems of healing based on subtle energy fields are emerging to complement the current medical model. And we are discovering new ways to release subconscious fears and trauma from cellular memory in order to access and embody the multi-dimensional consciousness of our galactic selves!
For those on a spiritual journey, we are recognizing that it is not enough to briefly experience cosmic states of consciousness while leaving the body behind. We are being asked instead to transform the physical body by embodying this cosmic light into cellular consciousness, a process that changes our very DNA. Like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, we may well be preparing for the most profound genetic transformation in recent geological history.
This is an intense but exhilarating process, and has been part of my own exploration for many years. Some years ago, it led me to Deeksha, a hands-on transmission of cosmic light originating in India. More recently, and even more profoundly, it has led me to working with a morphogenetic field of divine light known as Ilahinoor, with roots in the mystery school traditions of ancient Egypt.
Linked also with ‘ascended masters’ such as Jesus, Babaji and St. Germaine, and with the multidimensional consciousness of whales and dolphins, Ilahinoor is an ancient and universal morphogenetic field designed to prepare the physical body for merging with the light body.
Not requiring the mediation of any outside force, this happens directly through the higher self. As the intelligence within the body is activated through higher vibrational fields of incoming cosmic light, deep subconscious fears and traumas are released from cellular memory, allowing us to feel and express the unified consciousness of our multidimensional self. The time has come wherein each of us must recognize ourselves as part of a bigger whole, and each of us take responsibility for our part in the collective transformation of humanity and the Earth.