These individuals provide training to all new Ambassadors as to their responsibilities.
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

Marianna Leah
Marianna Leah is a natural born medium and psychic who developed a following in Union Square Park in New York City after she began giving readings, psychic advice, and “communicating with departed loved ones,” for residents in the area. She is also a practicing Soul Retrieval Specialist, DNA Activator, and Quantum Vector Healer, helping people from all walks of life to unlock their greatest potential. She has been teaching a modified version of Kemetic Yoga for nine years and is the founder of the Light of Love Meditation Program hosted in Brooklyn, New York. Marianna strives to be a platform of healing to those who seek to view life with a different lens. She serves as a messenger for those that wish to open their hearts and their minds to limitless possibilities of creation and manifestation. She understands people deeply on a Soul level and desires to help as many to heal and awaken as possible. She teaches people how to draw strength from within and “real-eyes” their own power and their own ability to shift any area of their lives and make any of their dreams manifest. She serves as a quantum bridge between what is becoming and what will become on a multidimensional level. Marianna works with clients all around the globe, including Africa and the Middle East. Prior to the pandemic, she traveled internationally on sacred journeys to conduct timeline and grid work healing. During the shutdown till present, she has dedicated her time to spread the Divine Message across virtually building and forming a giant global community. In 2018, she spent a bit of time journeying through Israel, on a spiritual quest, where she discovered her ancient roots and connected to her aspect energy of Mary Magdalene. After undergoing a major soul retrieval and past lifetime healing of her own since then, she deeply connected with the Divine Sacred Feminine energy and has become a well-known channel for it across many circles.