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Estas personas brindan capacitación a todos los nuevos embajadores en cuanto a sus responsabilidades.
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance


Marilyn Harper
Marilyn is Divine Inspiration and the Divine Link for Adironnda & the Council of Light (messengers sent by Source to help with the Shift of the Planet.). Adironnda stated that they were sent to this planet from God (Source) because the beings here on Earth are “just not getting it, yet.” and “We” as well as you, are here to help with the shift.”
Meaning, in the past many people on Earth have not been shifting their consciousness to the love frequency. Instead “We” choose to help shift the consciousness of the planet to one of love. There are only two major emotions, love and fear, that connect us all throughout the planet and we choose love.
Marilyn is Divine Inspiration and the Divine Link for Adironnda & the Council of Light (messengers sent by Source to help with the Shift of the Planet.). Adironnda stated that they were sent to this planet from God (Source) because the beings here on Earth are “just not getting it, yet.” and “We” as well as you, are here to help with the shift.”
Meaning, in the past many people on Earth have not been shifting their consciousness to the love frequency. Instead “We” choose to help shift the consciousness of the planet to one of love. There are only two major emotions, love and fear, that connect us all throughout the planet and we choose love.

Sheila Seppi
Conscious Channel
A Conscious Channel is someone who receives the frequency of communication from a consciousness not in human form. This information is then shared with the recipient with whom it was intended. Sometimes names are given but not always. These messages flow to and through the channel with out the body/mind being inhabited by the being.
A Conscious Channel is someone who receives the frequency of communication from a consciousness not in human form. This information is then shared with the recipient with whom it was intended. Sometimes names are given but not always. These messages flow to and through the channel with out the body/mind being inhabited by the being.

Melanie Ware
Conscious Channel
A Conscious Channel is someone who receives the frequency of communication from a consciousness not in human form. This information is then shared with the recipient with whom it was intended. Sometimes names are given but not always. These messages flow to and through the channel with out the body/mind being inhabited by the being.
A Conscious Channel is someone who receives the frequency of communication from a consciousness not in human form. This information is then shared with the recipient with whom it was intended. Sometimes names are given but not always. These messages flow to and through the channel with out the body/mind being inhabited by the being.

Rob Gauthier
Rob has channeled hundreds of different ET's. The main two that he works with are Treb and Aridif.
Treb Bor yit-NE is a benevolent Reptilian Human Hybrid from Capella star system. He is from the 5th Density/5th Demension. His lineage is not of the Ancient Reptilians (Alpha Draco) or the Earth Reptilians.
Aridif is an Ancient Pleiadian from Deneb. He is from the 6th Density/5th Dimension. His linage and races history is at this time unknown aside from one fact, they have worked with humans extensively when we were young to teach us enlightenment and knowledge. This is what I believe is the blue humanoids we hear about in ancient texts, although Aridif will not confirm nor deny.
Rob has channeled hundreds of different ET's. The main two that he works with are Treb and Aridif.
Treb Bor yit-NE is a benevolent Reptilian Human Hybrid from Capella star system. He is from the 5th Density/5th Demension. His lineage is not of the Ancient Reptilians (Alpha Draco) or the Earth Reptilians.
Aridif is an Ancient Pleiadian from Deneb. He is from the 6th Density/5th Dimension. His linage and races history is at this time unknown aside from one fact, they have worked with humans extensively when we were young to teach us enlightenment and knowledge. This is what I believe is the blue humanoids we hear about in ancient texts, although Aridif will not confirm nor deny.

Marina Seren
Higher Mind
Marina is a psychic medium, an extrasensory-seer, a conscious channeler of my Higher Mind, an intuitive artist, an ET contactee, alien abductee, hybrid alien mother, MILAB/MK-ultra survivor, and an ex-Secret Space Program psychic super soldier/insider.
Marina connects with her Higher Mind to bring you the messages you seek.
Marina is a psychic medium, an extrasensory-seer, a conscious channeler of my Higher Mind, an intuitive artist, an ET contactee, alien abductee, hybrid alien mother, MILAB/MK-ultra survivor, and an ex-Secret Space Program psychic super soldier/insider.
Marina connects with her Higher Mind to bring you the messages you seek.

Jacquelin Smith
Jacquelin Smith is a multidimensional walk-in and hybrid who can connect with your guides, angels, and star family. Receive direct messages from your own spiritual team.
Jacquelin Smith is a multidimensional walk-in and hybrid who can connect with your guides, angels, and star family. Receive direct messages from your own spiritual team.

Marianna Leah
Mary Magdalene
Marianna Leah Hernandez is known as the “Oracle of Union Square.”
Hernandez is a natural medium and psychic who developed a following in Union Square Park in NYC after she began giving readings, psychic advice, and “communicating with departed loved ones,” for residents in the area.
Marianna Leah Hernandez is known as the “Oracle of Union Square.”
Hernandez is a natural medium and psychic who developed a following in Union Square Park in NYC after she began giving readings, psychic advice, and “communicating with departed loved ones,” for residents in the area.

JoAnne Palladino
JoAnne Palladino was chosen to bring the high frequency of Love and Grace to our planet at this pivotal time. Her intention is to guide others to live from their hearts, embody their own light, and create the shift to unity consciousness. Shmaya, the Beings of Light, energy words flow through JoAnne as an expression of the Divine and invites a trust and an elevated awareness to us during these extraordinary times of awakening.
JoAnne Palladino was chosen to bring the high frequency of Love and Grace to our planet at this pivotal time. Her intention is to guide others to live from their hearts, embody their own light, and create the shift to unity consciousness. Shmaya, the Beings of Light, energy words flow through JoAnne as an expression of the Divine and invites a trust and an elevated awareness to us during these extraordinary times of awakening.

Melanie Ware
YahYel Representative
Melanie is a hybridized human who serves as a vocal channel for a YahYel counterpart, a Sasquatch counterpart, a future counterpart of this Earth who is approximately 700 years up line and a conscious channel to bridge to one's higher self.
Melanie is a hybridized human who serves as a vocal channel for a YahYel counterpart, a Sasquatch counterpart, a future counterpart of this Earth who is approximately 700 years up line and a conscious channel to bridge to one's higher self.

Glenda Dawson
Conscious Channel
A Conscious Channel is someone who receives the frequency of communication from a consciousness not in human form. This information is then shared with the recipient with whom it was intended. Sometimes names are given but not always. These messages flow to and through the channel with out the body/mind being inhabited by the being.
A Conscious Channel is someone who receives the frequency of communication from a consciousness not in human form. This information is then shared with the recipient with whom it was intended. Sometimes names are given but not always. These messages flow to and through the channel with out the body/mind being inhabited by the being.

Meet Your Spirit Guides Online Course with KAren Swain
Meet & Commune with Your Spirit Guides & Teams
Many people ask me WHO are your guides and how do I connect to my guides? I would like to show you just how easy and innate this ability is to know, commune and receive powerful guidance from your spiritual team.
In this course we will do a powerful activating meditation to open your energy vortices, allowing you more access to your spiritual mob. As we will be a group, you will receive messages from other participants, as we practice receiving messages from the guides for you and others.
DATES: March 6/ 7 to 27/ 28 2022
Sunday afternoon USA/CA
2-4pm PST
3-5pm MST
4-6pm CST
5-7pm EST
Monday mornings Australia
9-11 am AEST and night 7-9 pm AEST Sydney AUS
8-10 am QLD 6-8 pm QLD
Meet & Commune with Your Spirit Guides & Teams
Many people ask me WHO are your guides and how do I connect to my guides? I would like to show you just how easy and innate this ability is to know, commune and receive powerful guidance from your spiritual team.
In this course we will do a powerful activating meditation to open your energy vortices, allowing you more access to your spiritual mob. As we will be a group, you will receive messages from other participants, as we practice receiving messages from the guides for you and others.
DATES: March 6/ 7 to 27/ 28 2022
Sunday afternoon USA/CA
2-4pm PST
3-5pm MST
4-6pm CST
5-7pm EST
Monday mornings Australia
9-11 am AEST and night 7-9 pm AEST Sydney AUS
8-10 am QLD 6-8 pm QLD

Viviane Chauvet
Sentient Telepathic Communication with the Arcturians
More Details about Service: I am a sentient open channel for my intergalactic group and other star delegations. We offer soul coaching and intuitive guidance with all of our services.
Originally from Canada, Viviane Chauvet is an international public speaker recognized for her work as an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar. Viviane’s healing practice and teachings inspire people to live in Universal Consciousness as sovereign Divine Beings. She specializes in multidimensional frequency healing, conscious channeling, soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrade. In 2013, Viviane founded “Infinite Healing from the Stars” and did thousands of healing sessions with clients worldwide. She also serves as an emissary for the Intergalactic Councils and other star delegations.
Her first collaborative #1 Best Seller book “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” is available on Amazon as a published author. She worked as a hybrid consultant on j3FILMS award-winning second documentary “Extraordinary: The Seeding.” Viviane also features in j3FILMS award-winning third documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” It explores the historical significance of ET presence in specific paradigms, including ascension. Today, she is the producer and co-host of The Infinite Star Connections podcast.
The Arcturians genetically engineered Viviane as a unique hybrid prototype. Her healing abilities are encoded at a DNA level to create a quantum shift in the Earth’s matrix grids. Our work restores the original Divine Soul Blueprint that heals fragmented realities for light body ascension. After moving to Arizona in 2006, Viviane went through a series of profound awakenings and energetic downloads. Over several years, the Arcturians have trained Viviane in the arts of holographic and intergalactic frequency healing. She pursued her studies with many teachers and became certified in Crystalline Soul Healing®, Unity Field Healing®, Soul Genesis™, ThetaHealing®, BQH®, and QHHT®. Through her work, Viviane has developed the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® modality to achieve conscious soul unification beyond the 3rd-dimensional matrix-reality. Arcturians vibrate at higher dimensional planes and are among the oldest, most enlightened star civilizations known to this Quadrant. Rarely do they incarnate in a lower-dimensional physical state. Due to the Earth’s birthing process, Viviane has agreed to embody an Arcturian holographic human physical form as a direct anchor for her interstellar lineages. We oversee the organic ascension timeline and provide an enlightened
More Details about Service: I am a sentient open channel for my intergalactic group and other star delegations. We offer soul coaching and intuitive guidance with all of our services.
Originally from Canada, Viviane Chauvet is an international public speaker recognized for her work as an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar. Viviane’s healing practice and teachings inspire people to live in Universal Consciousness as sovereign Divine Beings. She specializes in multidimensional frequency healing, conscious channeling, soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrade. In 2013, Viviane founded “Infinite Healing from the Stars” and did thousands of healing sessions with clients worldwide. She also serves as an emissary for the Intergalactic Councils and other star delegations.
Her first collaborative #1 Best Seller book “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” is available on Amazon as a published author. She worked as a hybrid consultant on j3FILMS award-winning second documentary “Extraordinary: The Seeding.” Viviane also features in j3FILMS award-winning third documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” It explores the historical significance of ET presence in specific paradigms, including ascension. Today, she is the producer and co-host of The Infinite Star Connections podcast.
The Arcturians genetically engineered Viviane as a unique hybrid prototype. Her healing abilities are encoded at a DNA level to create a quantum shift in the Earth’s matrix grids. Our work restores the original Divine Soul Blueprint that heals fragmented realities for light body ascension. After moving to Arizona in 2006, Viviane went through a series of profound awakenings and energetic downloads. Over several years, the Arcturians have trained Viviane in the arts of holographic and intergalactic frequency healing. She pursued her studies with many teachers and became certified in Crystalline Soul Healing®, Unity Field Healing®, Soul Genesis™, ThetaHealing®, BQH®, and QHHT®. Through her work, Viviane has developed the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® modality to achieve conscious soul unification beyond the 3rd-dimensional matrix-reality. Arcturians vibrate at higher dimensional planes and are among the oldest, most enlightened star civilizations known to this Quadrant. Rarely do they incarnate in a lower-dimensional physical state. Due to the Earth’s birthing process, Viviane has agreed to embody an Arcturian holographic human physical form as a direct anchor for her interstellar lineages. We oversee the organic ascension timeline and provide an enlightened

Marie-Claude Galipeau
I tap in the energies of the person and I transmit what I am receiving from source or the highest part of them.
I love reading people energies, soul, spirit.
I really enjoy putting light into the patterns or into The relationships of my clients. With what I receive they are more able to accept and understand those dynamics and habits that humans have!
I love reading people energies, soul, spirit.
I really enjoy putting light into the patterns or into The relationships of my clients. With what I receive they are more able to accept and understand those dynamics and habits that humans have!

Joel Johanneson
Awakened Communications
Thru modalities and consciousness keys to reveal truths.
Thru modalities and consciousness keys to reveal truths.

Sabine Poncelet
Intuitive Guidance and Channeling
Do you ever wonder why you are here, or what you are here to do?
Do you wonder why you cannot move forward in life?
Do you feel stuck?
A channeling session will help you to make the right decision in business, job, love life, Choose the right investment, the right relationship, etc...
We all have a Soul blueprint that is a tangible, energetic grid pattern that creates the foundation for all of our experiences. You will receive validation for all of your life experiences and a deeper understanding of the why of your life. Sabine reads you, without cards or any other support, giving you a deeply insightful overview of your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
You can ask questions about any aspect of your life, from health to relationships, to life transitions, to career, no topics are off-limits to Source Consciousness! These sessions are multidimensional, dynamic, and co-creative! I work with your Higher Self/Soul and our combined Spirit Guide Team to not only bring you CRYSTAL CLEAR CLARITY about your life but to ALSO EMPOWER YOU.
Those sessions may be beneficial for the following:
- End of life, near to transitioning, or in a coma
- Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Cerebral Palsy or Locked-In Syndrome, Autism, Down Syndrome
- Unborn spirit, before or during pregnancy, with the newborn
- Connect with your Guides, with Arc Angels, with Ancestors, with Animals, or any other being, other Dimensions, Higher Realms, etc...
- Working on reading pictures, and Names places..
Do you ever wonder why you are here, or what you are here to do?
Do you wonder why you cannot move forward in life?
Do you feel stuck?
A channeling session will help you to make the right decision in business, job, love life, Choose the right investment, the right relationship, etc...
We all have a Soul blueprint that is a tangible, energetic grid pattern that creates the foundation for all of our experiences. You will receive validation for all of your life experiences and a deeper understanding of the why of your life. Sabine reads you, without cards or any other support, giving you a deeply insightful overview of your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
You can ask questions about any aspect of your life, from health to relationships, to life transitions, to career, no topics are off-limits to Source Consciousness! These sessions are multidimensional, dynamic, and co-creative! I work with your Higher Self/Soul and our combined Spirit Guide Team to not only bring you CRYSTAL CLEAR CLARITY about your life but to ALSO EMPOWER YOU.
Those sessions may be beneficial for the following:
- End of life, near to transitioning, or in a coma
- Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Cerebral Palsy or Locked-In Syndrome, Autism, Down Syndrome
- Unborn spirit, before or during pregnancy, with the newborn
- Connect with your Guides, with Arc Angels, with Ancestors, with Animals, or any other being, other Dimensions, Higher Realms, etc...
- Working on reading pictures, and Names places..
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