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Estas personas brindan capacitación a todos los nuevos embajadores en cuanto a sus responsabilidades.
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance


Alan Steinfeld
Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing is the ability to use the power of your mind to see and sense non locally. Our consciousness field that is not confined to our bodies. We are energy beings. And we have energetic sense just like physical senses. Each of us here in this intensive program will be given the chance to develop our extra sensory awareness. When we do this everything comes online and we have to ability to know anything about everything about anything. In each one of is a secret chamber to infinite knowledge with an ability to transcend time and space. Learn remote viewing through one of Alan's workshops on Portal to Ascension.
Remote Viewing is the ability to use the power of your mind to see and sense non locally. Our consciousness field that is not confined to our bodies. We are energy beings. And we have energetic sense just like physical senses. Each of us here in this intensive program will be given the chance to develop our extra sensory awareness. When we do this everything comes online and we have to ability to know anything about everything about anything. In each one of is a secret chamber to infinite knowledge with an ability to transcend time and space. Learn remote viewing through one of Alan's workshops on Portal to Ascension.

Barbara Lamb
Crop Circles
Barbara Lamb is recognized as one of the leading crop circle researchers and educators in the U.S. and England, having visited, studied and led crop circle tours in England each summer since 1990. She is the co-author of the book “Crop Circles Revealed: Language of the Light Symbols,” which is considered by her peers to be the most informative book on the subject. Lamb is also a licensed psychotherapist and an active member of the Center for Crop Circles Studies in Los Angeles and in England.
Barbara Lamb is recognized as one of the leading crop circle researchers and educators in the U.S. and England, having visited, studied and led crop circle tours in England each summer since 1990. She is the co-author of the book “Crop Circles Revealed: Language of the Light Symbols,” which is considered by her peers to be the most informative book on the subject. Lamb is also a licensed psychotherapist and an active member of the Center for Crop Circles Studies in Los Angeles and in England.

Nadi Hana
Crop Circles
Nadi offers a fresh new look and understanding of the sacred geometry found within crop circles.
Sacred Geometry
Sacred geometry is the study of harmonic patterns that underlie and create the world around us. It is the one thing that is found in everything! Studying these universal patterns increases an awareness of the interconnectivity of everything.
Drawing the balanced harmonics of Sacred Geometry can promote a sense of harmony and wellbeing within ourselves. Come find out how it works!
Nadi offers a fresh new look and understanding of the sacred geometry found within crop circles.
Sacred Geometry
Sacred geometry is the study of harmonic patterns that underlie and create the world around us. It is the one thing that is found in everything! Studying these universal patterns increases an awareness of the interconnectivity of everything.
Drawing the balanced harmonics of Sacred Geometry can promote a sense of harmony and wellbeing within ourselves. Come find out how it works!

Rachael Ralli
Earth Grids
Based on the location of the North and South Pole and the Equator, a horizontal flow of energy runs flow runs from the axis of Earth's rotation. The plane of the equator is an imaginary horizontal line that cuts the earth into two equal halves. These lines intersect at various points on the planet to make a matrix or grid. These grid points are found at some of Earth's strongest sacred and power places.
Mediumship/Psychic Development
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.
Based on the location of the North and South Pole and the Equator, a horizontal flow of energy runs flow runs from the axis of Earth's rotation. The plane of the equator is an imaginary horizontal line that cuts the earth into two equal halves. These lines intersect at various points on the planet to make a matrix or grid. These grid points are found at some of Earth's strongest sacred and power places.
Mediumship/Psychic Development
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.

Phil Gruber
Earth's TRUE History
Humanity is coming to realize that the history we have been given about our development of a species to cycles of time may have had a few details - major details - left out. Phil shares with his students this information and more.
Humanity is coming to realize that the history we have been given about our development of a species to cycles of time may have had a few details - major details - left out. Phil shares with his students this information and more.

Heidi Corona
Mediumship/Psychic Development
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.

Glenda Dawson
Mediumship/Psychic Development
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.
Most seances are an attempt to communicate with spirits on the other side.
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.
Most seances are an attempt to communicate with spirits on the other side.

Colette Fletcher
Mediumship/Psychic Development
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.
Paranormal Photos
Colette can capture things unseen by the naked eye. Fog, orbs, spirit beings are all being captured in photos.
Are those specks of dust you see on your photos or could they be something else? Orbs are a transportation system for the soul. Colette is ready and waiting for you to contact her with your questions about what your phots may be reveling to you.
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.
Paranormal Photos
Colette can capture things unseen by the naked eye. Fog, orbs, spirit beings are all being captured in photos.
Are those specks of dust you see on your photos or could they be something else? Orbs are a transportation system for the soul. Colette is ready and waiting for you to contact her with your questions about what your phots may be reveling to you.

Marina Seren
Mediumship/Psychic Development
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.

Jacquelin Smith
Mediumship/Psychic Development
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.
Do you desire to contact a departed loved one or someone on the other side? Are you looking to find tune or develop your own psychic awareness? Are you seeking messages? Or maybe, you are drawn to connect with your star family? If so, you have come to the right section because the Ambassadors below are ready and waiting to assist you.

Marilyn Harper
Numerology is the study of numbers in your life. They can tell you information about your life and the world around you.
Numerology is the study of numbers in your life. They can tell you information about your life and the world around you.

Carole Stacey
Near Death Experience
As body begins to fade, the consciousness moves into a different state of being. It is here, between the state of physical life and death, that experiences occur that cannot be explained.
As body begins to fade, the consciousness moves into a different state of being. It is here, between the state of physical life and death, that experiences occur that cannot be explained.

Fernando Ascencio
Sacred Geometry Healing
Fernando uses his hand built Sacred Geometry tools, multiple energetic healing techniques, crystals, intuition, and sound healing to guide you through a mystical experience of positive transformation.
Fernando uses his hand built Sacred Geometry tools, multiple energetic healing techniques, crystals, intuition, and sound healing to guide you through a mystical experience of positive transformation.

Darlene Van De Grift
Timeline Regeneration
In Quantum Physics there is an Energy Field, a field of endless possibilities that surrounds all of us. It is the place that inventions, innovation, inspiration, ah-ha moments and dreams are created. The multi-dimensions within the Field provide access to peoples truth of their story, life, lifetime and past, even future. Weaving their questions into clarity, order and direction. Providing knowledge for them to open the doors of possibility.
In Quantum Physics there is an Energy Field, a field of endless possibilities that surrounds all of us. It is the place that inventions, innovation, inspiration, ah-ha moments and dreams are created. The multi-dimensions within the Field provide access to peoples truth of their story, life, lifetime and past, even future. Weaving their questions into clarity, order and direction. Providing knowledge for them to open the doors of possibility.

Rosalind Beth Horowitz
Rosalind Beth Horowitz /aka Cosmic Utopian Rose~*⚘
Was born on June 10th 1964,
In Brooklyn, New York...
She has a very Diverse, Multicultural Background/ Heritage of Indigenous Origins of Taino Indian Tribes (Original, Native inhabitants of the Caribbean Regions specifically (Puerto Rico), Several regions of Spain, (Barcelona) and other Caribbean/European Ancestry lines incl. Ireland... Russia... Austria... And Some unknown...
Rosalind Beth is living as an American/Israeli in Israel since the Year 2003 - Present... Upon Answering the call of her Soul Path, Bringing her to the Middle East/Israel/Egypt... Where She Continues to Experience an unlimited, Cosmic Adventure While Expanding and Aspiring to the Highest version of Her Self Expression of Divine Creator Source Energy and Love, While Living a Crazy, Wonderful and sometimes, Challenging, Multidimensional Life!
She is a Higher Source/Self Channel...
Having had, 3 NDEs and OBE as well... She is a Gifted Envisionary, Coming from a long Lineage of Seers and Shamanic Healers...
As an E.T. Contactee and Life Long experiencer...
Interplanetary Time-Space Traveler, She continues bringing in Cosmic, Galactic, Celestial, Central Sun, Elemental & Inner Earth Photographic Transmissions, Messages, Light Language Activations, Upgrades, Heart Chakra Opening, Crystallization, Realignment, Heart Coherence to Experience Greater Expansion!
Here to connect us to Our Cosmic Families, Higher Consciousness...
Self Awareness and Indeed...
A Great Contributor for Cosmic Disclosure!
We're Not Alone & We are Loved, Dearly...
Divine Creator Source Works through Her...
As a Sovereign, Cosmic, Celestial, Multidimensional, Galactic Star Being,
Source Channel/Conduit /INtuit/
Receiver/Recorder and Keeper of, Cosmic/Celestial/Galactic/Interdimentional, Akashic Image/Video Files Library of Photographic Transmissions through her Gift of Visual Transference Abilities...
Serving the Cosmic Community, as an Ambassador/Rep. For Our Extended Cosmic Families, Galactic Communities and others Whom are indeed an Extension of Our Collective Unified Consciousness! She continues to work towards Bridging the Gap through Cosmic Disclosure and Living a HUman Life as a BeINg of Higher Consciousness... Reaching Out, into the Infinite Realms That Bare Witness to the Truth of Who, What and ALL That We Are...
In Loving Service...
As a drop in the Sea...
That carries within, the Entirety of the Sea of Love ItSelf!
Connecting Us All Through the EternALL, Effervescent Krystal Rivers of Our Expansive, Extensive, Cosmic, Galactic, Celestial, Infinite Time-Space Continuum.. Expressing As the Whole Unified Life-force,
Rosalind Beth Horowitz aka Cosmic Utopian Rose~*⚘
Serving the Community as an Envisionary, Cosmic Time Traveler... BeINg a Lifelong Experiencer/E.T. Contactee... Poet, Cosmic Commissioned Artist, Writer, Musician/Singer Songwriter of Cosmic Utopian Chillout and Indie music Transmissions, Video productions and other Creative Works through her Home based,
Production Studio: F.U.S.E.
(Full Unity Signal Earth)
Also providing Services through Energy Transference, Vibrational Healing ... Energy Work...
Light Language Activations, Attunement...
Heart Coherence Conduction and Expansion...
Chanelling Higher Source Self to Assist others through Conscious Counseling...
Those who feel Guided, may contact Rosalind through the links provided below...
Sessions are Booked through Zoom/Skype or other... on a Basis of Availability & Intuitive Guidance...
Sessions also provide 121, Discrete, Compassionate space for Discussion/Consultation, Advising, Inner child core wound healing, Energetic Realignment, Heart Coherence Conduction, High Vibrational Resonator, Soul Gazing for deeper connection/ Realignment/ Coherence and Streaming of Consciousness, for Deeper INsight!
I AM INtuit! Energy Work Is Real!
Together... We'll Open A Conscious Connective Awareness Gateway for Healing, Expansion and Exploration!
I'm Here to Help You...
All Energy Exchange/Donations Are Accepted with Gratitude!
💫Rosalind Beth Horowitz
Is On...
*Messenger *What's App
*Skype: Rosalind_1964
💫Here are a few Links to View Rosalind's Work, Poetry, Mantras, Meditations, Writings, Cosmic Photography, Videos, Profile, Other Pages, Etc. And where to Listen to her Conscious Music!
⚘Cosmic Utopian Rose FB page.
⚘Conscious Connective Awareness Gateway Page
⚘SoundCloud Music Page!
Check out Rosalind Beth Horowitz/Cosmic Utopian Rose on #SoundCloud
⚘Cosmic Utopian Rose YouTube Channel!
Was born on June 10th 1964,
In Brooklyn, New York...
She has a very Diverse, Multicultural Background/ Heritage of Indigenous Origins of Taino Indian Tribes (Original, Native inhabitants of the Caribbean Regions specifically (Puerto Rico), Several regions of Spain, (Barcelona) and other Caribbean/European Ancestry lines incl. Ireland... Russia... Austria... And Some unknown...
Rosalind Beth is living as an American/Israeli in Israel since the Year 2003 - Present... Upon Answering the call of her Soul Path, Bringing her to the Middle East/Israel/Egypt... Where She Continues to Experience an unlimited, Cosmic Adventure While Expanding and Aspiring to the Highest version of Her Self Expression of Divine Creator Source Energy and Love, While Living a Crazy, Wonderful and sometimes, Challenging, Multidimensional Life!
She is a Higher Source/Self Channel...
Having had, 3 NDEs and OBE as well... She is a Gifted Envisionary, Coming from a long Lineage of Seers and Shamanic Healers...
As an E.T. Contactee and Life Long experiencer...
Interplanetary Time-Space Traveler, She continues bringing in Cosmic, Galactic, Celestial, Central Sun, Elemental & Inner Earth Photographic Transmissions, Messages, Light Language Activations, Upgrades, Heart Chakra Opening, Crystallization, Realignment, Heart Coherence to Experience Greater Expansion!
Here to connect us to Our Cosmic Families, Higher Consciousness...
Self Awareness and Indeed...
A Great Contributor for Cosmic Disclosure!
We're Not Alone & We are Loved, Dearly...
Divine Creator Source Works through Her...
As a Sovereign, Cosmic, Celestial, Multidimensional, Galactic Star Being,
Source Channel/Conduit /INtuit/
Receiver/Recorder and Keeper of, Cosmic/Celestial/Galactic/Interdimentional, Akashic Image/Video Files Library of Photographic Transmissions through her Gift of Visual Transference Abilities...
Serving the Cosmic Community, as an Ambassador/Rep. For Our Extended Cosmic Families, Galactic Communities and others Whom are indeed an Extension of Our Collective Unified Consciousness! She continues to work towards Bridging the Gap through Cosmic Disclosure and Living a HUman Life as a BeINg of Higher Consciousness... Reaching Out, into the Infinite Realms That Bare Witness to the Truth of Who, What and ALL That We Are...
In Loving Service...
As a drop in the Sea...
That carries within, the Entirety of the Sea of Love ItSelf!
Connecting Us All Through the EternALL, Effervescent Krystal Rivers of Our Expansive, Extensive, Cosmic, Galactic, Celestial, Infinite Time-Space Continuum.. Expressing As the Whole Unified Life-force,
Rosalind Beth Horowitz aka Cosmic Utopian Rose~*⚘
Serving the Community as an Envisionary, Cosmic Time Traveler... BeINg a Lifelong Experiencer/E.T. Contactee... Poet, Cosmic Commissioned Artist, Writer, Musician/Singer Songwriter of Cosmic Utopian Chillout and Indie music Transmissions, Video productions and other Creative Works through her Home based,
Production Studio: F.U.S.E.
(Full Unity Signal Earth)
Also providing Services through Energy Transference, Vibrational Healing ... Energy Work...
Light Language Activations, Attunement...
Heart Coherence Conduction and Expansion...
Chanelling Higher Source Self to Assist others through Conscious Counseling...
Those who feel Guided, may contact Rosalind through the links provided below...
Sessions are Booked through Zoom/Skype or other... on a Basis of Availability & Intuitive Guidance...
Sessions also provide 121, Discrete, Compassionate space for Discussion/Consultation, Advising, Inner child core wound healing, Energetic Realignment, Heart Coherence Conduction, High Vibrational Resonator, Soul Gazing for deeper connection/ Realignment/ Coherence and Streaming of Consciousness, for Deeper INsight!
I AM INtuit! Energy Work Is Real!
Together... We'll Open A Conscious Connective Awareness Gateway for Healing, Expansion and Exploration!
I'm Here to Help You...
All Energy Exchange/Donations Are Accepted with Gratitude!
💫Rosalind Beth Horowitz
Is On...
*Messenger *What's App
*Skype: Rosalind_1964
💫Here are a few Links to View Rosalind's Work, Poetry, Mantras, Meditations, Writings, Cosmic Photography, Videos, Profile, Other Pages, Etc. And where to Listen to her Conscious Music!
⚘Cosmic Utopian Rose FB page.
⚘Conscious Connective Awareness Gateway Page
⚘SoundCloud Music Page!
Check out Rosalind Beth Horowitz/Cosmic Utopian Rose on #SoundCloud
⚘Cosmic Utopian Rose YouTube Channel!

Starseed: I'm Sandra aka AKURA, I'm a psychic medium, ET Contactee,
consciousness mentor, intuitive artist and Starseed.
I help other Starseeds & Empaths in their awakening process.
ET Contactee: As an ET Contactee I make contact with our galactic brothers and sisters and deliver messages they have for us. Mostly I download messages for starseeds and give them tips and inspirations to master their life on earth!
Cosmic Light Codes: By singing and speaking in light language, the starseeds remember their origins! By transporting the codes of our galactic sisters and brothers, the listeners experience a strong shift in their energy system. The light language leads you back to your soul.
Ascension Guide:
The Earth and the collective field of humanity is moving into a lighter state of consciousness. This process offers some challenges. I accompany people through this process to realize who they really are!
consciousness mentor, intuitive artist and Starseed.
I help other Starseeds & Empaths in their awakening process.
ET Contactee: As an ET Contactee I make contact with our galactic brothers and sisters and deliver messages they have for us. Mostly I download messages for starseeds and give them tips and inspirations to master their life on earth!
Cosmic Light Codes: By singing and speaking in light language, the starseeds remember their origins! By transporting the codes of our galactic sisters and brothers, the listeners experience a strong shift in their energy system. The light language leads you back to your soul.
Ascension Guide:
The Earth and the collective field of humanity is moving into a lighter state of consciousness. This process offers some challenges. I accompany people through this process to realize who they really are!

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Ph.D.
Exoconscious Coaching
Exoconscious Coaching awakens and integrates your ET, Multidimensional experiences. Rebecca brings professional expertise of 30 years of coaching and counseling to assist you in advancing your psychic intelligence and abilities, emotional stability, physical body upgrades, and spiritual life. Her degrees and certifications include coaching, hypnosis, past life regression, addiction, and spiritual and career counseling.
Exoconscious Coaching awakens and integrates your ET, Multidimensional experiences. Rebecca brings professional expertise of 30 years of coaching and counseling to assist you in advancing your psychic intelligence and abilities, emotional stability, physical body upgrades, and spiritual life. Her degrees and certifications include coaching, hypnosis, past life regression, addiction, and spiritual and career counseling.

Diana Donnelly
Extraordinary, Mysterious, Unexplained, Supernatural: With psychic abilities can help solve mysteries & participate in paranormal investigations.
Diana has been clairaudient, clairsentient, and clairvoyant since a young child. She experienced a down craft in the forest when she was about 4 years old. The beings who came out of the craft gave the impression that they were Andromedan and had a hover sensor that they were using to scan the environment. One female in a glittering silver suit sent telepathic messages to her. Since then she has had the "connection" with off world beings including Angelic, ultra-dimensional, multi-dimensional, extradimensional, nature beings & inner-earth beings. She gained great comfort in connecting with the Christ when young and has continued that throughout the years. In college she expanded her awareness even more and delved into the metaphysical. She experienced visions & angelic visitations along with the sense of being protected from certain dangers. Became a technician and was on the CPR team in hospitals where she experienced first hand the dying and death of many individuals. This spurred an even greater interest in life after death. Soon she transitioned to home care where she worked with many hospice patients. During this time she not only saw many light beings & family of those passing over, but also sharpened her intuitive abilities. She used these abilities in her Feng-shui & home improvement business. Now she concentrates on profound House Healings. Also studied & now performs Quantum Healing along with Chakra Cleansing & Sound Healing. She has done many Multi-dimensional Intuitive Readings for those in Southwest Colorado & beyond.
Diana has been clairaudient, clairsentient, and clairvoyant since a young child. She experienced a down craft in the forest when she was about 4 years old. The beings who came out of the craft gave the impression that they were Andromedan and had a hover sensor that they were using to scan the environment. One female in a glittering silver suit sent telepathic messages to her. Since then she has had the "connection" with off world beings including Angelic, ultra-dimensional, multi-dimensional, extradimensional, nature beings & inner-earth beings. She gained great comfort in connecting with the Christ when young and has continued that throughout the years. In college she expanded her awareness even more and delved into the metaphysical. She experienced visions & angelic visitations along with the sense of being protected from certain dangers. Became a technician and was on the CPR team in hospitals where she experienced first hand the dying and death of many individuals. This spurred an even greater interest in life after death. Soon she transitioned to home care where she worked with many hospice patients. During this time she not only saw many light beings & family of those passing over, but also sharpened her intuitive abilities. She used these abilities in her Feng-shui & home improvement business. Now she concentrates on profound House Healings. Also studied & now performs Quantum Healing along with Chakra Cleansing & Sound Healing. She has done many Multi-dimensional Intuitive Readings for those in Southwest Colorado & beyond.

Viviane Chauvet
Arcturian Planetary Ships & Mothership Visit
More Details about Service: As an Arcturian hybrid prototype, I live in an ongoing, sentient telepathic state of communication with my intergalactic group. My physical conduit requires specific maintenance provided by our advanced organic technology. I travel on/off-planet on a regular basis for various reasons, including new uploads and etheric body template regeneration.
Originally from Canada, Viviane Chauvet is an international public speaker recognized for her work as an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar. Viviane’s healing practice and teachings inspire people to live in Universal Consciousness as sovereign Divine Beings. She specializes in multidimensional frequency healing, conscious channeling, soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrade. In 2013, Viviane founded “Infinite Healing from the Stars” and did thousands of healing sessions with clients worldwide. She also serves as an emissary for the Intergalactic Councils and other star delegations.
Her first collaborative #1 Best Seller book “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” is available on Amazon as a published author. She worked as a hybrid consultant on j3FILMS award-winning second documentary “Extraordinary: The Seeding.” Viviane also features in j3FILMS award-winning third documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” It explores the historical significance of ET presence in specific paradigms, including ascension. Today, she is the producer and co-host of The Infinite Star Connections podcast.
The Arcturians genetically engineered Viviane as a unique hybrid prototype. Her healing abilities are encoded at a DNA level to create a quantum shift in the Earth’s matrix grids. Our work restores the original Divine Soul Blueprint that heals fragmented realities for light body ascension. After moving to Arizona in 2006, Viviane went through a series of profound awakenings and energetic downloads. Over several years, the Arcturians have trained Viviane in the arts of holographic and intergalactic frequency healing. She pursued her studies with many teachers and became certified in Crystalline Soul Healing®, Unity Field Healing®, Soul Genesis™, ThetaHealing®, BQH®, and QHHT®. Through her work, Viviane has developed the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® modality to achieve conscious soul unification beyond the 3rd-dimensional matrix-reality. Arcturians vibrate at higher dimensional planes and are among the oldest, most enlightened star civilizations known to this Quadrant. Rarely do they incarnate in a lower-dimensional physical state. Due to the Earth’s birthing process, Viviane has agreed to embody an Arcturian holographic human physical form as a direct anchor for her interstellar lineages. We oversee the organic ascension timeline and provide an enlightened perspective for spiritual cosmic evolution.
More Details about Service: As an Arcturian hybrid prototype, I live in an ongoing, sentient telepathic state of communication with my intergalactic group. My physical conduit requires specific maintenance provided by our advanced organic technology. I travel on/off-planet on a regular basis for various reasons, including new uploads and etheric body template regeneration.
Originally from Canada, Viviane Chauvet is an international public speaker recognized for her work as an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar. Viviane’s healing practice and teachings inspire people to live in Universal Consciousness as sovereign Divine Beings. She specializes in multidimensional frequency healing, conscious channeling, soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrade. In 2013, Viviane founded “Infinite Healing from the Stars” and did thousands of healing sessions with clients worldwide. She also serves as an emissary for the Intergalactic Councils and other star delegations.
Her first collaborative #1 Best Seller book “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” is available on Amazon as a published author. She worked as a hybrid consultant on j3FILMS award-winning second documentary “Extraordinary: The Seeding.” Viviane also features in j3FILMS award-winning third documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” It explores the historical significance of ET presence in specific paradigms, including ascension. Today, she is the producer and co-host of The Infinite Star Connections podcast.
The Arcturians genetically engineered Viviane as a unique hybrid prototype. Her healing abilities are encoded at a DNA level to create a quantum shift in the Earth’s matrix grids. Our work restores the original Divine Soul Blueprint that heals fragmented realities for light body ascension. After moving to Arizona in 2006, Viviane went through a series of profound awakenings and energetic downloads. Over several years, the Arcturians have trained Viviane in the arts of holographic and intergalactic frequency healing. She pursued her studies with many teachers and became certified in Crystalline Soul Healing®, Unity Field Healing®, Soul Genesis™, ThetaHealing®, BQH®, and QHHT®. Through her work, Viviane has developed the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® modality to achieve conscious soul unification beyond the 3rd-dimensional matrix-reality. Arcturians vibrate at higher dimensional planes and are among the oldest, most enlightened star civilizations known to this Quadrant. Rarely do they incarnate in a lower-dimensional physical state. Due to the Earth’s birthing process, Viviane has agreed to embody an Arcturian holographic human physical form as a direct anchor for her interstellar lineages. We oversee the organic ascension timeline and provide an enlightened perspective for spiritual cosmic evolution.

Marie-Claude Galipeau
In 2011 I felt lost, depressed, diving deeper into the darkness of my soul, drinking, partying, using drugs. Rough childhood, rape, abuse, child abuse, roughness, beating… etc…
Someone told me to go see a medium, and that medium told me I was a medium and it was because of this that I was so depressed, entities where stuck on me, didn’t know I was even hypersensitive.
So I became a medium/ therapist, DNA and émotionnal reprogramming, working with the Antenna de Lecher and kinesiology (testing).
I practice since then, 2011 and I am learning as I grow and rise my vibrations.
I am now connected to my star family, soul family and i see and talk with the Extra terrestrial, beings of light and other dimensions.
I love teaching and doing one on one sessions but I would to grow and expand.
I speak French, my first language and I do manage in English!
Thank you everyone for being here in those times !
Great honour for me to be incarnated for this massive shifts of ascension!
Aho ,
Marie-Claude Galipeau
Someone told me to go see a medium, and that medium told me I was a medium and it was because of this that I was so depressed, entities where stuck on me, didn’t know I was even hypersensitive.
So I became a medium/ therapist, DNA and émotionnal reprogramming, working with the Antenna de Lecher and kinesiology (testing).
I practice since then, 2011 and I am learning as I grow and rise my vibrations.
I am now connected to my star family, soul family and i see and talk with the Extra terrestrial, beings of light and other dimensions.
I love teaching and doing one on one sessions but I would to grow and expand.
I speak French, my first language and I do manage in English!
Thank you everyone for being here in those times !
Great honour for me to be incarnated for this massive shifts of ascension!
Aho ,
Marie-Claude Galipeau
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