These individuals provide training to all new Ambassadors as to their responsibilities.
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

Neil Gaur
Isolation... separated in borders across multiple nations
Spread the disease with a viral sneeze hiding behind closed doors
Elder generations... mortality being confronted with eternal damnation
The crucifixion of the one who's religion has come to create our present legislation
Slaves to the wasteland... God's final narration
Can't leave the comfort of my own seat, first world frustration
Systems collapsing those who were dancing economic inflation
Humanity in gestation making way for a day when we bring back elation
Remember the times we used to walk outside before the foundation
Was removed and what we do that ignited our pride
Was taken from out of our side like a thorn that will pry
Open multiple third eyes... give it back through taxation
to live in this playground... the temptation of social interaction
Got me facing the agenda of the masons
Hoard up on food before starvation takes us or until we realize
abundance is our birth right and we can take back our dignity
integrity and ride this quantum wave we signed up to play
blaze through the cosmos and enter the space station
across the other side of the galactic disk... all thoughts while I be pacing
back and forth on my own porch looking and the sun rise and set
To all my relations... ingest water maintain hydration...
DNA strands activation...
another form of manipulation of a single gene...
Locked up inside, expand your consciousness and fly
It's time for quarantine....
By MC Resonance AKA Neil Gaur
the moment draws near
for years we have been purging all fears letting go
of the old energies
making room for the new frequencies
i know we all feel these
on some level
higher multidimensional entities
embracing our galactic families
emissaries of unconditional love
the one vibration that fits all creation like a glove
i know some time this incarnation can seem tough
with masons, illuminating manipulations
facing... tasting wasting our life away
we must remember the lessons and that
we are here to play
we chose to be here today
nothing external to you.. to your god-self you pray
there is only one spec of light
experiencing itself in multiple forms
within our sight... taking us to new heights
so go against the norm... no longer conform
when one transitions there is no reason to mourn
no scorn... take out the thorn
the crystalline children are now being born!
there is no devil waiting for you with horns!
there is only LOVE!!!
the vibration showering us descended straight from densities above!!!!
we must stand up and say enough!
take our power back...
with peace and understanding no reason to attack
and energize fear
as they are reflections of us
time to trust our brothers and sisters
this is all a self imposed test
you got the job put all your concerns to rest
through the darkness the light will firmly nest
into the dimension that is next
the moment is NOW to resurrect the christ consciousness....
live life to the fullest
each day seconds turn in to minutes
time passes by
animals and leaves die
browning by the seasons
growing and planting seeds again
is what all men and women are destined to do
in order to continue the life we choose
the sun shines light and we move
thru the heavens, tunnels and tubes
worm holes, niches and grooves
navigating existence so we can enter the womb
In gestation... I AM elation
exhilaration and patience
creates the balance in this waste land
of nuclear pollution
my observation of creation
is that we are all heading for the same destination millenias of intergalactic wars
can't stop the frequency we are in store
for... so I spit from the core
of my lost fragmented soul
reclaiming pieces I left in this world
the carrot in front of me, the elusive pearl
I remember... I came here before...
just one emcee.. energetically emanating
empathy... connected to the fire within me
where I become pure energy
an allergy towards this world of anarchy
amnesia in this fallacy
anesthesia to numb out the insanity
over stimulation leading to apathy
speak out against status quo, accusations of blasphamy
the gravity of third dimensional reality
eventually causes atrophy, physical and emotional bankruptcy
so I travel the galaxy to release the agnony...
rearrange the anatomy to avoid the catastrophy achieve cosmic morality...
time to embrace the duality is the only analogy
that supercedes all we need... just so that we can let go and breathe....
meditate and levitate
waves of frequencies resonate higher
connected with the provider
source of cosmic energy
we are going to be
one single entity
expansion remedied
oneness must breathe
exhale and let free
consciousness to be
experiences of you and me
souls of interdimensional beings
to feel, hear and see
this third dimensional planetary existence...
all time can be seen in one instance
in this realm of linearity
atoms in anarchy
quantum polarity
consciousness duality
the epitome of creation
ether's imagination
facing our ego
acquiring patience
waiting to let go of our nations
and join the federation of souls
that will take us to the fifth world...
POEM by Neil Gaur, Founder, Portal to Ascension
so are we one yet?