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Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

Philip Gruber
tor. 22. feb.
|Online Event
Interview with Phil Gruber

Tid og sted
22. feb. 2024, 19:00 – 23:00 MST
Online Event
Om arrangementet
In a rare Question/Answer/Interview format, Nori Love and Phil Gruber will discuss various issues that are impacting all of us on a daily basis.
This time period is a most critical juncture in our tenure here as embodoed souls. Among the subjects we'll be discussing will include ET Contact, the Evolutionbary Path of Human Consciiusness, Humanity's Divine Commission as Guardians and Custodians of the Planet's Stargates, the True Meaning of Love and Freedom and the part we each can play in the ascension of our race, and the planet. Please come to this fascinating dialogue between two of the planet's premier mentors and wayshowers.