These individuals provide training to all new Ambassadors as to their responsibilities.
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

Hildegard Gmeiner
Copyright©2021 Hildegard Gmeiner
A female form skin and bones
One essence had vacated its home
Saw the body lying on the road
Her children, EMS workers, people from the neighbourhood
Body looking dead, essence in the light
What happened, have I died?
I that I am, was surrounded by iridescence so bright
Listening to a distant voice, so full of might
I that I am, wanted to be that light
Express myself and take a stand
No longer march to someone else’s band
Claiming the “I am that I am”, the all and nothingness
Letting go of all my worldly masses
Oops, where did my body go?
No hands to cover, from the glare and glow
Mind was working overtime
What is happening to this life of mine
Becoming conscious in a hospital bed
Questions, as to where did the I go, seemingly without end
Humans are nothing but energy
I that I am, shared with them my newly acquired theory
Next of kind I didn’t recognize
In fact, I had begun to despise
The lack of sensitivity and overwhelming negativity
Is that what on Earth is called family?
Rows of houses squeezed in a Canadian sub-division
Reflective of the overall, greater human division
Children carted off to daycare and the sitter
Parents rushing, turning increasingly bitter
Expensive mortgages, fancy appearances, yet no one is home
Walk-in-mother and three kids were alone
The parks were empty, no next-door neighbour
Thank goodness for libraries, shopping malls, and riding the escalator
Housework, breakfast, lunch and dinner
Over time only became the winner
Inner voice’s constant information flow
Shift from crystalline to carbon based-body…, I thought my head would blow
Kitchen, children, housewife’s plight
Mom, what’s for supper tonight?
The inner narrator, did explain it all
Like a running commentator, showering me like a waterfall
The more I shared what’s going on inside of me
with my mate, best friend, as learned by slowly recovered memory
It became clear there was increasing hostility
There was no longer a loving family
Threats of hospitalization and psychiatric incarceration
Walk-in mother took the kids in her care and ran
Stepped into the great unknown, overcome with fear
Inner whispers, guiding, coaching, always saying, I am here
The mission was raising these children to the light
Never to succumb to the human plight
Taking full charge of the human vehicle’s hardware, rewriting her inner software
Without full understanding and command of mind and heart, one goes nowhere
Unconsciously stuck in repetitive patterns of grieve and pain
All of Earthly life appeared to be in vain
Belief-in-separateness-seed once sown so deep
Almost makes soul contracts too hard to keep
Hence Walk-Ins among others were parachuted in
To bring about transformation from Within
Generally, to overcome, what’s believed humanly impossible
Creating new paths, which over time become increasingly more plausible
Soul-Essence-Exchanges are a way to bring in new cosmic manifestation
Aiding the human collective consciousness vibration
Anchoring increasingly more cosmic light
Assisting planet Earth overcoming its unconsciously created plight
So all creatures’ cell photon acceleration
Can lead to everyone’s salvation
Unity Consciousness among all human peoples can be attained
And no Soul-Essence-Exchanged Walk-In will ever again have to faint.
The Galactic Human
Copyright©2021 Hildegard Gmeiner
We might be from outer space
And feel like we don’t belong
Even though it’s hard to believe
Struggles and pain do make our soul strong
We spiral upwards in vibration
We feel it in our bodily sensation
What once was considered DNA-junk
Turns out not at all to be defunct
Increased photon activity of the sun
Sends many a chromosome on the run
Waking us up, opening all our throttles
No wonder, one sometimes wobbles
Once we run on twelve DNA strains
The feeling of pain, hardship and suffering veins
All is attracted, shows up as if blown in by the breeze
Life is lived with so much more ease
The Resonance of LOVE has its many connectors
Crossing points, amino acidic information fuel injectors
Feeling compassion, gratitude and generosity
Propels our consciousness with much velocity
Fear, to the contrary only generates Deflectors
Illusions of dangers have us battle “Dementors”
It inhibits potential and narrows our vision
That’s why there is the “Tele” and much tunnel vision
Zombies are those who aren’t fully awake
Unwilling to give their head a bit of a shake
They claim to have it on high authority
Though check out what’s their ultimate priority
‘Common Good’ always is lesser then the good of the leader
Many a man perished over ions, as the cannon’s feeder
The ground troopers stuck to and controlled with fear
Are free to hold on to whatever belief they hold dear
Universal laws though always governs life, day in and day out
We are free to be grateful, also free to always doubt and to pout
It is our choice to rise above separation and isolation
The opportunity exists now for 12-DNA-Strain-Activation
2012 and beyond was all about Ascension
Oneness Consciousness and Intergalactic Expansion
Embrace yourself as genetically encoded
Cellular information being quickly promoted
Increased light means more knowledge
Enables self to free from old bondage
Darkness is lack of information
And masses succumb to manipulation
Our consciousness is expanding real fast
And then we can transcend to 5th dimensional life and beyond, at last
This veil of Illusion will then be no more
We are living our Authentic Self forever more
Copyright©2021 Hildegard Gmeiner
It is, who you really are
Mighty, strong and full of power
Like a hurricane
The oceans waves
A galactic storm
A force of nature
Might oceans of tiny molecules
Photons, protons and also quarks
Hurling through space with mighty force
Clustering as organs, arms, body and legs
What if you have come from outer space
We are amidst of a tornado
A wind of stardust
A wave of consciousness
At all times choosing to shift shapes
Always choosing life
In different ways
Look at that which is your beliefs
All indeed can be achieved
Check whose they really are
And if not yours, drop self-denial and abuse
Take only those, which are of use
Aches, Wars and Strive
Daily struggles to survive
An illusion, conditioning perceived as reality
Impossibility that dreams can’t be achieved
Truth be known, we’re not designed to be someone else’s clone
Humanity has always been free to choose
Kindness, Love or choose violence and Abuse
War, Starvation, Agony
Or Compassion, Good Will and Harmony
Fighting over Earth’s resource
Or sharing, knowing all’s part of the mighty FORCE
If where you are, does you not please
There is a way of greater ease
So listen to your inner voice
Connect to the stars up high
Answers might come from your child’s lullaby
The clouds did teach me
As did the voice of wind and waves
The rest came bit by bit
By listening to that inner pit
The place where you feel pain and joy
The spot you think might never heal
Once you allow yourself to feel
When one has gone way beyond the pain
Realizing all is part of the plan divine
Away from Reptilian to the Intuitive Brain
Giving my thoughts new direction
Excited molecules clustering differently
Attracting new people and opportunity
Seemingly having falling from eternity
Magically rising from certain death
To new levels of oneness in consciousness
Illness, wrinkles, fear of death, fell away
Showing how to live a different way
Guided by this brilliant light
Shining, ringing through, music of a different kind
From deep within, my Inner Sight
Mentoring, daring, pushing onward
Starting out, it feels hard to do
People around you saying
something’s wrong with you
Though in your soul you know
It’s the only way to get you through
When stages of age old illusion
Come crashing down
Causing massive confusion
Betrayal, hurt, and in authenticity
Pushing up for you to face the “beyond the obvious” reality
About what’s real and who you are
No one can help no friend near and no one far
The darkest night deep in your soul
Each one of us, has to walk through alone
Though guides and inspirations come
Subtle, in inconspicuous of ways
Directing lovingly your days
Towards where light shines in the aftermaths
Have Faith, Beloved Star Child you
The Force of Love is always there for you
Allow it in and ask for help
That kind, that comes from deep within
The brilliant Light
It eases pain and guides your step along the way
Soon you’ll see a better day
For now you learned
Beliefs, thoughts and words create
They shake up the mighty cosmic soup
Arrange universes based on your cues
Words once burning
Like a hot dessert sun’s fire
Now heal, like magic fairy dust
Create all you consciously express
Lover, money, evening dress
Impressed onto your body, out into the universe
Your thoughts on what you really want
Bring about that which you so long desired
Enabling life in harmony and peace
Feel happy and with magic ease
All the way, you do, which you came here to do
Complete happiness, deep soul-felt satisfaction
Through and through
Being and expressing your Authentic YOU
will easily always see you through