Campbell Foster
In this presentation and Soundbath for the WISH Alliance meeting online, we explore the power and depth of Sound, meditation, and group intention.
We will use Sound Therapy by Campbell D. Foster, to explore the infinite worlds within us through meditation and a deep soundbath for self-healing and attunement to the divine experience.
Then in that powerful state, we use a guided 'Group Intention Meditation' to transform ourselves and the world around us into the coming golden age of all human kind.
About Your Soundbath performer and
Energy Guide Campbell D. Foster
Canadian Sonological Researcher Campbell Foster is a sound therapist and researcher, composer, performer, Interactive Health Coach, Sound, Light & PEMF Therapist, interactive systems designer, PYRAMIDION Life Energy Pyramids founder, educator and inventor of the Electro-acoustic Sheet Metal Feedback Phone, and CREATION SPIRIT MACHINE cymatic interactive instruments and exhibits.
After a life crash and devastation 20 years ago, Campbell rebuilt his life and health to profound levels. Revising his life and music career into health, he studied Sound Therapy, Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Color therapy, PEMF therapy, developed two sound therapy instruments, a new method of sound synthesis, worked on the AmpCoil PEMF device, achieved accreditation as an Integrative Health Coach, and Practitioner of Humanitarian Medicine.
Campbell started a company and practice ‘PYRAMIDION Life Energy Pyramids’ to raise the consciousness and health of people based on the original Law of One (RA) directives. He produces colloidal Silver, Electrum, Pyramid and Sound Meditation events and sessions for a close group of seekers.
Campbell discovered methods to deliver PEMF and sound therapies over the internet using Sonification and light. The PEMF ‘Brain Reboot’ entrainment can eliminate and highlight a lot of negative mental programming which doesn’t fit the ideal you.
In these dire times, there is more urgency and need than ever before to deliver and unite people seeking health, ascension, and their highest development; a life of peace, health, harmony, and joy.
Contacts and Links:
• Contact the researcher on this site: http://campbellfoster.ca/contact
• PYRAMIDION Life Energy Pyramids on facebook: http://facebook.com/pyramidions
• Sonological Research Site RS7: http://campbellfoster.ca/
• Youtube Channel of Peace 4 man: http://youtube.com/peace4man
• Colloidal Silver, ELECTRUM in the Pyramidion EmporiumShop: http://pyramidionemporium.etsy.com
• Download tonights soundscape performance on Campbell Fosters Bandcamp page, in 24 hours at URL: http://https://campbellfoster.bandcamp.com/